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At the Long Hair Center in Istanbul, under the leadership of Dr. Ahmet Yildirim, we are dedicated to ensuring 100% customer satisfaction through high-quality treatments. Our services are tailored to meet each individual's needs with meticulous care and attention. You can trust us to provide natural-looking results with confidence.


We prioritize excellence and limit our daily surgeries to a maximum of two, occasionally extending to three or four if additional patients require fewer than 2000 hair grafts. This approach has earned us a distinguished reputation in Turkey’s hair transplant industry. With over 13 years of medical experience, we utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver the results you desire.


Our center specializes in personalized hair transplant procedures, combining advanced technology with one-on-one care. Our expert doctor and seasoned team have been performing hair transplants and plastic surgeries in Turkey for over a decade, completing more than 2200 successful procedures for patients from over 36 countries. Our patients receive VIP treatment throughout their entire journey, from consultation to post-treatment care. Located in the vibrant city of Istanbul, the Long Hair Center guarantees undetectable, natural results for all our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the implanted hair fall out again?

    In hair transplantation, hair roots are extracted from the donor area, which includes the backside of the head, above the ears, and the neck. The number of roots needed is based on the size and quality of the bald area, with extraction done evenly. These donor area grafts are genetically resistant to shedding and last a lifetime. The success of the transplant relies on the doctor's skill in extracting and transplanting these roots without damage.

  • When will the implanted grafts grow or come out?

    After the hair transplant has been done, our medical consultant assistant will, without stint, follow the whole process with you until you achieve the best result. We will describe to you the growth process of all the hair grafts, respectively.

    1-On the 10th day, the process of cleaning scabs will be done.

    2-After one month, implanted hair begins to shed moderately.

  • What is Hair Transplantation and How is it Done?

    Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that allows natural and permanent relocation of hair to thin or bald areas. Typically, hair follicles, in the form of small tissue pieces called "grafts," are harvested from the donor area (usually the back of the head and beard area) and then implanted into the recipient areas where they are needed.

  • Where are the hair grafts extracted from?

    Hair grafts are extracted from the back of the head, between the ears and above the neck, because this area is genetically resistant to hair loss. If done skillfully, these grafts will not fall out for a lifetime. Using the latest FUE technology, hair roots are extracted one by one. The extracted hair will not regrow in the donor area, but this will be unnoticeable due to the even, diagonal extraction pattern.

  • Who are Suitable Candidates for Hair Transplantation?

    Hair transplantation is a surgical solution for hair loss. Suitable candidates depend on factors like the cause of hair loss, its stage, age, health, donor hair availability, expectations, psychological readiness, commitment to aftercare, and hair texture. Consulting an experienced surgeon is crucial for personalized advice and discussing techniques like FUT or FUE. Not everyone is a candidate, and alternative treatments may be suggested.

  • Which Hair Transplantation Method is Considered the Most Effective and Suitable Option?

    The best hair transplant method depends on individual characteristics, hair loss level, available donor hair, expectations, and the surgeon's expertise. A specialist can determine the most suitable method. Success depends on the surgeon's skill and meeting the individual's needs. Both DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) can achieve successful results.

  • When can I engage in sexual activity after hair transplantation?

    The timing of when to resume sexual activities after hair transplantation can vary depending on the individual's healing process and the recommendations of the doctor. Generally, it is advisable to avoid sexual activities for the first 10 days after hair transplantation. This period is given to allow time for the transplanted hair to strengthen and heal.

  • If I come with my family, do I have to pay extra?

    We, as the Long Hair Center family, care about your having a pleasant time in Turkey. Therefore, your 1 family member or friend can come with you, and there is no extra charge like hotel and airport transfer.

  • Can i have a hair transplant twice?


    People unsatisfied with their initial hair transplant results, those who find it sparse, or those with insufficient donor hair can consider a second session. The success of a second session depends on the quality and availability of hair in the donor area. If the donor area is too damaged from the first session, a second operation is not recommended as it may cause further harm. For accurate advice, consult your hair transplant doctor with photos or an in-person examination.

  • What is the Suitable Age Range for Hair Transplantation?

    The suitable age range for hair transplantation can vary from person to person and is generally dependent on the level of hair loss and genetic factors. Typically, the most appropriate age range for hair transplantation is between 19 and 65 years old.

  • How much budget should I allocate for hair transplantation in Turkey?

    The budget for hair transplantation in Turkey can vary depending on several factors. Generally, hair transplantation prices in Turkey may be more economical compared to other countries. However, it is difficult to provide an exact price because the prices vary based on clinics, doctors, techniques used, and the individual's hair transplantation needs. Generally, your budget for hair transplantation in Turkey may need to be at least between 2000 and 7000 USD or Euro.


  • How many grafts can be implanted?

    Before hair transplantation, doctors estimate graft numbers from pictures, providing a conservative count to manage expectations. We always aim to use the maximum grafts possible, ensuring careful extraction to preserve donor area health. The graft count depends on the balding area's size and donor hair quality, with graft health being crucial. Grouped grafts must remain intact for a successful transplant.

  • Is additional care or treatment required after hair transplantation?

    Yes, taking additional care and precautions after hair transplantation is important. During the post-procedure period, it is essential to follow the instructions provided by your doctor regarding hair washing frequency, the use of recommended shampoos and other products, and hair drying methods to support the healthy settling and healing of the hair follicles. Additionally, it is important to regularly use any medications prescribed by your doctor and adhere to the scheduled check-ups and follow-ups during the recovery process.

  • Is hair transplantation a permanent solution? Will the transplanted hair fall out?

    Hair transplantation is generally considered a permanent solution. The transplanted hair, which typically consists of hair follicles taken from the donor area, does not fall out. The hair follicles in the donor area are genetically programmed to be permanent, so they do not have a tendency to shed. Therefore, there is no hair loss in the areas where hair transplantation is performed.

  • How should I choose the best clinic or doctor for hair transplantation?
    • Choose an experienced and expert doctor or clinic.

    • Research their experience, success stories, and expertise in hair transplantation.

    • Check references and real user reviews.

    • Ensure they use up-to-date technology and equipment.

    • A good clinic prioritizes patient satisfaction, communicates well, and offers personalized treatment plans.

  • Will I feel any pain during hair transplantation?


    During hair transplantation, minimal levels of pain or discomfort are usually felt. Prior to the procedure, painless anesthesia is typically administered, which helps reduce or eliminate the sensation of pain in the treated area. As a result, most people can remain comfortable during the procedure.

  • Will there be sparseness in the place where the grafts are taken?

    The key to preventing sparseness in the donor area during hair transplantation is to follow proper extraction rules and remove grafts evenly. If done correctly, the donor area will remain dense. Before the operation, assess the donor area's condition before shaving, noting that the tops of the ears are typically denser than the middle part. Ensuring even extraction from the entire donor area is crucial for a successful procedure.

  • How many hours does the operation take?

    The hair transplant operation does not have a fixed duration of time. Depending on the grafts need of a person, this time period can be extended or shortened. The higher the number of roots, the longer the operations will take, and the longer the operation time. A healthy hair transplant should take a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 10 hours. This is the ideal time duration for both; patient's well-being and the graft's survival period.

  • Will the color of my natural hair change after hair transplantation?

    The hair transplantation procedure does not change the natural color of the existing hair. Hair transplantation involves transferring hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area, enabling the growth of new hair. The transplanted hair will carry the same characteristics as the hair from the donor area, so its color will not change. The transplanted hair will grow in your original hair color, based on the genetic makeup of the hair follicles.

  • Do I need to regularly shave my hair after hair transplantation?

    Regularly shaving your hair after a hair transplant is generally not recommended. The hair in the transplanted area can be new and delicate, so shaving or cutting it may cause damage to the transplanted hair follicles or disrupt the healing process. Experts advise against using clippers to shave the donor area for the first three months after the procedure and the transplanted area for six months. It is recommended to only trim the hair with scissors during this period.

  • What should the diet be like before hair transplantation?

    It is important to follow a healthy diet before undergoing a hair transplantation procedure. Paying attention to an adequate intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals is crucial. Omega-3 fatty acids, sufficient water consumption, and antioxidants also support hair health. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco products should begin at least one week prior to the procedure.

  • What are the potential risks and complications that may occur after hair transplantation?

    Hygiene and sterilization protocols in hair transplantation procedures involve cleaning and disinfecting the operating room, ensuring proper hand hygiene of the personnel, sterilizing the instruments used, using disposable or sterilized materials, and conducting post-procedure cleaning and sterilization. These steps aim to minimize the risk of infection and ensure patient safety.

  • Will I have pain after the operation?

    90% of the people who have hair transplants in the Long Hair Center do not have postoperative pain. The reason is that the local anesthesia before the surgery is applied with good quality, which causes less harm to the grafts during the operation. We put pain killer medicins between your medical kit after the operation. However, most of our patients who have hair transplants do not need it.

  • Can I gain a new personality with hair transplantation?

    Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that allows you to regain your hair. Getting a hair transplant is an important aesthetic correction method for many people who want to combat hair loss or baldness. Hair transplantation typically involves the transfer of hair follicles from one area to the balding area to promote hair regrowth and thickening. However, it is important to note that hair transplantation is not a procedure that can alter one's personality or personal traits.

  • How Many Days Should I Arrange a for Hair Transplantation?

    Arrive in Turkey one day before your operation to rest and unwind. The next day, we'll take you to the hospital for your procedure, which will be completed that day. The following day, we will perform your first wash and provide essential instructions. You can return home on the third day or extend your stay in Turkey. The minimum stay for hair transplantation is one night and two days.

  • First wash after hair transplantation?


    The very next day of the hair transplant, the first hair wash process will be carried out. The bandage will also be removed from the donor area during the washing process. Our specialist or expert will do the washing process and explain how to make it done. At the same time, your washing process can be shot with your phone to understand the instructions better.

  • How is the hairline and hair density planned after hair transplantation, and what factors influence it?

    The hairline and hair density in a hair transplantation procedure are planned based on factors such as the individual's current hair condition, facial shape, skin structure, and aesthetic preferences. Here are some important factors that influence the hairline and hair density:


    • Age

    • Current hair condition

    • Facial shape

    • Skin structure

    • Aesthetic preferences

    • Donor area

  • Can I Board a Plane After Hair Transplant?

    You can fly 24 hours after hair transplantation. It does not cause any health issues.

  • Can hair transplantation and beard transplantation be performed together?

    Hair and beard transplantation can be combined for those experiencing both types of loss. The procedures involve similar principles: grafts from the donor area are transplanted into the recipient area. Planning is crucial to ensure harmonious hair and beard lines and a natural result. Specialized doctors should perform these procedures, using a personalized approach for the best outcome.

  • Does hair transplantation provide effective results in women?

    Hair transplantation can help women with hair loss achieve fuller hair. However, since female hair loss differs from male patterns, a delicate approach is necessary. Specialists work meticulously to ensure a natural result. Consultation with a specialist is crucial to determine candidacy, with careful evaluation before surgery.

  • How is the session determined in hair transplantation?

    The number of hair transplantation sessions depends on factors such as the degree of hair loss, donor area health, chosen method (FUE or DHI), individual goals, and surgeon recommendations.

  • How are hygiene and sterilization protocols applied in hair transplantation?

    Hygiene and sterilization protocols in hair transplantation procedures involve cleaning and disinfecting the operating room, ensuring proper hand hygiene of the personnel, sterilizing the instruments used, using disposable or sterilized materials, and conducting post-procedure cleaning and sterilization. These steps aim to minimize the risk of infection and ensure patient safety.

  • What type of anesthesia is used during hair transplantation?

    Hair transplantation is typically performed under local anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs the area where the procedure will be carried out, minimizing pain and discomfort. In this way, patients remain conscious during the procedure but do not feel any pain.

  • Do you provide customer support before and after hair transplantation?

    Hair transplantation centers or clinics in Turkey provide support to their clients before and after the hair transplantation procedure. Since the hair transplantation process is complex, professional assistance and guidance are of great importance. At Long Hair Center, health consultants provide support to patients for one year after the hair transplantation procedure. During this period, they answer any questions that arise in a pleasant manner.

  • Can I choose the color of my new hair in hair transplantation?

    In a hair transplantation procedure, hair typically is harvested from the donor area. Therefore, the color of the transplanted hair will naturally match the color of the donor area's hair. In other words, you don't have the option to choose the color of the transplanted hair.

  • Do I need to go to the post-operation control?

    After hair transplantation, if a follow-up is needed, we'll invite you, but it's rare. During your first-day hair wash, our doctor will assess and inform you. Hair transplantation is a year-long process, requiring monthly photo updates and consultations with our doctor until full density is achieved.

Any other questions?

Services and Facilities

  • Services
  • Beard Transplant
  • Biofibre Hair Implant
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dhi - Direct Hair Implantation
  • Eyebrow Transplant
  • Eyelash Extensions
  • Eyelash Transplant
  • Facial Hair Transplant
  • Folligraft - Non-surgical Hair Graft
  • Hair Loss Specialist
  • Hair Loss Treatment
  • Hair Transplant For Women
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Hri - Hair Regrowth Injections
  • Ipl Hair Removal
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Hair Therapy
  • Mesotherapy
  • Micrografts Hair Restoration
  • Minigrafts Hair Restoration
  • Prp (platelet-rich Plasma)
  • Prp For Ovarian Rejuvenation
  • Robotic Hair Transplant
  • Sapphire Hair Transplant
  • Soprano Laser Hair Removal
  • Treatment For Female Pattern Hair Loss
  • Unshaved Hair Transplant
  • Fue - Follicular Unit Extraction

  • Facilities
  • Airport Transfer
  • Free Consultation
  • Hotel Booking
  • Local Travel
  • Translator

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Français
  • Arabic
  • Russian
  • Deutsch
  • Espanol
  • Italiano
  • Chinese

Certificates and Awards

ISO Certification - International Organization for Standardization (International)
MOH - Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Health (Turkey)
TURSAB - Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (Turkey)

Happiness Stories


Çobançeşme, Sanayi Cd., 34180 Bahçelievler/İstanbul